
How can Captain America be in the same time as Tony Stark?

Q:How can Captain America be in the same time as Tony Stark?

As any Marvel fan would be I am excited to watch the Avengers coming in this May. But the question is, how can Captain America, in his youth, be in the same movie with Tony Stark? In the movie First Avenger Captain America (before his transformation) goes to a fair to see the young Howard Stark, Tony's father. So if I'm right he has to be at least 60-70 in the time that Avengers takes place. Can anyone explain?

In the comic books, Captain America and his sidekick, Bucky were trying to stop a modified V2 rocket. Both heroes were hanging on to the outside of the rocket pulling wires, cutting hoses, etc. The rocket blows up and Captain America was thrown clear in the Artic Ocean where he was frozen in the ice and held in suspended animation. Decades later, Namor the Sub-Mariner (king of Atlantis and enemy of the Fantastic Four) is in the artic fighting the Avengers when he smashes Captain America free of the ice. Cap drifts out to sea and begins to defrost. The Avengers notice him on the return flight home and revive him.

In fact ,I think the film is wonderful and exciting ,the costume is cool ,If you want to buy the costume,you can visit the website:http://cosplaysky.com/

